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Discover the Healing Power of Ayurveda with Our Range of Treatments

shirovasti, Ayurvedic treatment


In Ayurveda, Shiro-vasti is considered as the ” Queen of therapies”.  It is one among the four Murdhini treatments (treatment done on the head) which includes Shiro- Abhyangam/ Pichu/ Dara and Vasti; the effectiveness of each increasing in the successive order as the retention time of oil increases respectively. 


The patient is made to sit comfortably, a gentle head and shoulder massage is done. A leather cap is fitted around the head using cloth bands and the insides are lined with dough to prevent any oil from leaking. Medicated oil/ ghee is then poured into the cap and retained for 1 to 1.5 hours according to the condition of the individual. 


Mode of action 
Oil/ ghee is a lipid medium, making it possible for easy absorption into the scalp by peripheral vasodilation, thus increasing circulation and nourishing brain tissues.



  • Alleviates paralysis

  • Mitigates psychosomatic illness

  • Helps with Parkinson's disease

  • Benefits those with Multiple Sclerosis

  • Helps with cerebella's ataxia

  • Mitigates neuro-degenerative disorders

  • Improves insomnia

  • Helps with vision disturbances


Patient is made to lie down comfortably on the table with eyes closed. A gentle head massage is given for relaxation. Medicated Luke warm oil is poured from a distance of 10cm on the forehead in a slow and continuous manner, allowing oil to run through the scalp and into the hair. This is done for 45 minutes to 1 hour in an oscillating motion from side to side. After the procedure, oil is wiped off using a clean cloth followed by a warm shower. 


Mode of action 

The third eye or “Agnya Chakra” is located in the centre of the forehead, between the eyebrows. It is said to be the seat of consciousness. Prolonged dripping of oil causes vasodilation, increases circulation, stimulates the brain, provide inputs to the cerebral cortex by stimulation of the endocrine system. Various mediums are used for Shirodara, like oil, milk, buttermilk and decoction according to the patient’s condition. 



  • Improves depression and anxiety

  • Pacifies Vata Dosha

  • Brings down serotonin levels, thereby relaxing the mind and relieving stress

  • Induces sleep and elevates mood

  • Strengthens hair follicles and beats mental fatigue

  • Improves visual disturbances

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It is also referred to as "Sarvanga Dhara or Pizhichil". Kaya means body and Seka means pouring of warm medicated liquids. Kayaseka is a type of Swedana therapy (sweat inducing) that can be done using different liquid mediums like herbal oil, ghee, milk, decoction or buttermilk, . Here, warm medicated oil/ ghee is poured in a continuous stream from neck to toe for a duration of 40- 50 minutes using a cloth or earthen pot. This oil is collected and warmed to use again, after which the patient is allowed to take rest for 20-30 minutes minutes followed by a hot water bath.



The application of lukewarm/ mild hot medicated liquid increases the metabolic rate which causes vasodilation of the blood vessels. This vasodilation opens the smaller channels and increases the peripheral -
circulation. The pores in the skin open leading to an elimination of waste products through sweat. The increased circulation promotes better absorption of medicated liquid into the body, which shows systemic results all over the body. Other factor like the height from which the medicine is poured creates an impact force that liquefies the Medo Dhatu(fat tissue) and removes the adhered adipose tissue. 



  • Alleviates rheumatic diseases

  • Increases metabolism

  • Strengthens muscles and tissues

  • Delays aging

  • Reduces sexual weakness

  • Destresses

  • Lowers high blood pressure

  • Mitigates neurological disorders, muscular aches, and dislocated or
    stiff joints


Here, warm herbal decoction is poured in a continuous stream slowly over the entire body in a synchronised manner and this is repeated on all sides of the body over a duration of 30-45 minutes. Various medicinal decoctions are used depending upon the condition of the patient. Kashaya Dhara provides unparalleled relief in pain , swelling and stiffness seen in rheumatic conditions like arthritis, osteoarthritis, myalgia and various types of neuromuscular diseases. It is practised in healthy individuals, as it rejuvenates, corrects metabolism, prevent degeneration of joints, enhance flexibility, acts as an aphrodisiac, delays aging, helps in easy delivery of baby during labour and provide longitivtiy of life. 



  • Alleviates paralysis

  • Helps with hemiparesis

  • Mitigates osteoarthritis and rheumatic diseases

  • Helps with spondylitis

  • Improves metabolism

  • Helps with fracture and dislocation

  • Reduces sexual weakness

  • Improves insomnia and destresses

  • Lowers high blood pressure

  • Mitigates neurological disorders



Abhyanga is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that has been highly valued for its ability to nourish and revitalize the body. It is considered to be a daily routine that is as important as brushing your teeth. This therapy has a special place in the Panchakarma (five procedures) – a group of Ayurvedic therapies used to detoxify and rejuvenate the body.



During Abhyanga, warm herbal oil is applied all over the body and gentle massage is given.  Use long strokes on the limbs, circular strokes on the joints, and clockwise circular strokes on the stomach. The type of oil used depends on the individual’s body type or ailment. The oil is then left to sit on the skin for 30-45 minutes before showering.


Mode of action

The therapeutic medium in Abhyanga is the skin – the largest organ in the body. This practice provides a deep sense of relaxation by rubbing and massaging the body with warm oil, which produces heat and increases blood circulation. It helps to promote the flow of prana (life force energy) throughout the body, thus balancing the doshas (body types) and supporting overall health and wellbeing.



  • Alleviates Vata imbalance

  • Enhances complexion and skin elasticity

  • Rejuvenates body tissues and slows down aging

  • Mitigates physical and emotional trauma effects

  • Reduces anxiety and stress

  • Relaxes muscles and alleviates fatigue

  • Improves physical strength and tissue functioning

  • Enhances body curves and contours

  • Induces sound sleep

  • Improves eyesight

  • Promotes overall good health


Udwarthanam, which means "to elevate or promote" in Ayurveda, is commonly used as a weight loss therapy; however, it has a wide array of benefits that are not limited to obesity treatment. This method has been included in the daily regimen as it promotes body strengthening, improved complexion, and smoother skin texture, making it an excellent cosmetic treatment


Procedure â€‹

The therapy involves a deep tissue massage using coarse herbal powder that moves in the direction opposite to that of the body hairs (pratiloma gati), resulting in friction against the skin. Usually performed by 1-2 therapists for 45 minutes, it is followed by a warm bath break.

Mode of action 

The drugs utilized in this therapy have properties that break down fat, alleviate Kapha dosha, and are hot and dry in nature. Through this process, morbid Ama, Kapha, and medas are broken down, allowing metabolites to be mobilized and expelled from the body. This unblocks stagnation at the cellular level, enabling transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, improving metabolism, calming nerves, and increasing circulation.



  • Aids in weight loss

  • Alleviates rheumatoid arthritis

  • Mitigates hypothyroidism and diabetes

  • Reduces lethargy and excessive drowsiness

  • Removes bad odour

  • Lowers high cholesterol and triglycerides

  • Reduces fluid retention and cellulite

  • Reduces wrinkles and restores glow

  • Removes dead skin cells

  • Strengthens the body

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A localized treatment in which warm medicated oil is retained on the affected part, inside a boundary made of black gram paste for a duration of

30 - 40 mins. This is usually done on the back - Kativasthi, on the Chest - Urovasthi, on the nape of the Neck - Greevavasthi and on the Knee - Januvasthi. These are very effective in relieving localized pain, stiffness and inflammation.

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